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The Love of God

Do you ever just wonder how much God loves you? Most of the time due to the nature of our personalities we find it hard to believe that someone could love us unconditionally knowing very nature of our hearts. John 3:16 says it best "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NASB) The love of God, allowed His Son Jesus to take the form of a man, dwell with mankind, and to be taken to the cross where His blood would be shed for you and me! It is within our own minds that we try to understand this, but truthfully, all we have to do is understand that we need to accept the Savior, to forgive our sin and that He died and rose again for you and me. The mind of man tries to bring Gods love down to a level of our own. In other words, we can't comprehend what God's love is like because we don't quite get it. In God's love there is no selfishness, there are no grudges, and there is no evil! It is the most perfect form of love that you can ask for. If you don't know Jesus, it is time that you found out who He is. Turn to Him, and He will save you!

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